“President Trump’s presidency not only was unsuccessful but left the world in disarray. He abandoned multilateralism and polarized the international system. Just as in the second half of the 19th century, the world today is witnessing a breakdown of a ruled based order. Under the Trump administration it became visible that the US has ceased to be the leading world power. This relative decline of the US implies that Europe will have to engage in world affairs. President Joseph Biden will certainly cooperate within some multilateral organizations. He will act more diplomatically. Tensions with China and Russia will remain, however. The emerging bipolarity will be structural. The Helsinki Final Act of 1975 can be model for global cooperation. The world has now the choice: 1914 or 1975.”
Iran’s “Look to the East Policy”: Pivot Towards China and Eurasian Economic Union
It appears, that Iran had completely pivoted towards its "Look to the East Policy" after the withdrawal of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in May 2018 and imposition of new sanctions on Iran by Trump’s Administration. After these developments Tehran lost the hope to normalize relations with the West and marched eastward. Iranian “Look to the East policy” strategy aims to strengthen Iran’s strategic cooperation with Russia and China. Thus, it means that in the era of changing world order Iran has made its choice and it is joining the Sino-Russian political and economic pole. The following question arises: which are the arguments for the abovementioned assumption?
Warum Antisemitismus heute noch immer eine Herausforderung ist
In the coming weeks we will commemorate the eviction and killings of Jews from Austria and especially from Vienna 600 years ago, in 1421 (The Sir Peter Ustinov Institute will hold a digital event on this topic on the 4th of March). Such cruel acts of predominantly Christian antisemitism did not occur only in 1421 and not only in Austria. Jews were discriminated against all over Europe for many centuries, way before the climax of antisemitism – the Holocaust – when they were murdered on an industrial scale. They were often seen and treated as second-class citizens or even worse: as nuisance.
The Middle East: Is there light at the end of the Long Corridor?
This conflict is of course not the only one where force is used. The Sahel zone is suffering from many terrorist attacks and military reactions. The Congo has not come to rest (see my recent blog on the occasion of the killing of Lumumba 70 years ago) and is pulling its neighborhood into its fighting. However, in addition to these and other conflicts, Africa is also affected by the pandemic, we all suffer from. At the beginning of the pandemic, it seemed to be in a better situation.
How Nuclear Dependent States Could Respond to the Entry into Force of the TPNW
Since the dawn of the nuclear age in 1945, perceptions and strategic positions amongst States regarding nuclear weapons have always differed. The 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has thrust these existing divisions to centre stage. The treaty is the result of an increasing emphasis placed by non-nuclear weapon States on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and the persisting risks posed to all humanity by these weapons.
Globale Impfstrategie statt Impfnationalismus!
In den letzten Tagen wurde die EU-Politik hinsichtlich der Impfstoffversorgung gegen das Covid-19-Virus eingehender Kritik unterzogen. Alternativen wurden dabei kaum aufgezeigt. Auch wenn wir uns in einer Ausnahmesituation befinden, bleibt die entscheidende Frage vor allem, ob nicht eine überzeugende globale Strategie fehlt, in die die EU eingebunden werden sollte. Trotz Verständnis für nationale Perspektiven darf man nicht übersehen, wie viele Menschen weltweit eine Impfung brauchen und wie viele kaum eine Chance haben, 2021 noch eine zu bekommen. Wir werden auch in Europa Verzögerungen zur Kenntnis nehmen müssen, aber noch gehören wir zu den Privilegierten.
USA/EU: Eine neue Allianz?
Die USA haben einen neuen Präsidenten. Das erfreut nicht nur viele Amerikanerinnen und Amerikaner, sondern auch die meisten Europäerinnen und Europäer. Keine Frage: der Großteil von uns konnte mit Trump nicht viel anfangen – und umgekehrt. Die EU war für Trump keine attraktive Partnerin. Er hat sich einige Länder ausgesucht, mit denen er und sein Außenminister Pompeo vorzugsweise kommunizierten. Dazu gehörte auch Österreich, dessen Regierung sich eigenartigerweise besonders um Kontakte zu Trump bemühte, um nicht zu sagen, an Trump anbiederte.
The Arab revolt, or revolution, started not in Cairo but in Tunisia in December 2010. It started when a young Tunisian – Mohamed Bouazizi – set himself on fire because of continuing harassment by the police. (See my blog in German from December). It required some weeks for the revolutionary spirit to arrive in Egypt, the most populous Arab country. For a long time the dissatisfaction with the different regimes in Egypt had been growing in the population.