While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 united the so-called “West” in an unprecedented way, it has become increasingly evident that the rest of the world remains far more divided on major issues of peace and security. Whereas the EU and the US believe that the international order is moving towards a bipolar system – between the West and China – other big powers such as China and India (as well as Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, and Russia) see the future of the world as far more multipolar. Considering that many international challenges, including climate change, health, migration, food insecurity, poverty, international crime, and cybercrime, do not correspond to regional or national borders, we must recognize that a certain level of cooperation is essential to work towards an international system that is able to tackle these issues of common interest. While disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation are essential to a peaceful world order, we are now facing a world of increasing military buildups and the breakdown of international arms treaties. India, Pakistan, and North Korea, while remaining outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, have successfully developed nuclear weapons, while China is investing significantly in expanding its military capacities. Bearing in mind that the world is bigger than the US and Europe and recognizing the importance of rising powers in Asia, the IIP will continue to analyze the role and strategies of other important international actors for the future world order. Peace can only be achieved collectively.
October 9 | Conference: Vienna Peace & Security Talks 2023
September 26 | Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: Diplomacy as it should be! 🎬
September 4 | The BRICS Empowered? 🗞️
August 10 | Dual Neutralization as a Pathway to a Denuclearized Korea 🗞️
April 12 | Growing nuclear tensions on the Korean Peninsula 🎬
March 20 | Der neue Ost-West-Konflikt 🗞️
February 24 | Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion - „Die USA, der Iran und das Nuklearabkommen“ 🎬
January 3 | Krieg und Frieden 2023 🗞️
November 6 | The Ukraine War, European Peace, and Implications for the Korean Peninsula 🗞️
May 12 | AFGHANISTAN - Teaching Peace with an Empire 🎬
January 4 | Is there a future for cooperation between the OSCE and China? 🗞️
December 28 | New regionalism in Central Asia 🗞️
December 14 | Ein neues Selbstbewusstsein des Iran bei den Wiener Verhandlungen 🗞️
November 24 | Talks on Reviving the JCPOA: Moving from Distrust to Trust? 🗞️
October 4 | Lernen von Afghanistan 🗞️
September 23 | European Security: Fallout from Afghanistan - Lessons for EU, OSCE, and NATO 🎬
September 21 | China’s Influence in the Western Balkans: Partnership or Confrontation? 🗞️
September 10 | 9/11 AND AFGHANISTAN: WHAT TO DO NOW? 🗞️
September 7 | Neutrality and Vulnerable States: An Analysis of Afghanistan's Permanent Neutrality 🗞️
August 27 | Ein neutrales Afghanistan wäre für alle die beste Option 🗞️
August 26 | The Fall of Kabul and Biden's Speech - The crisis of the West and its origin 🗞️
August 26 | Nahost-Experte Heinz Gärtner: Gefangen in der Hölle von Afghanistan 🎬
August 23 | Das Nuklearabkommen und der neue iranische Präsident 🗞️
August 23 | Taliban-Hölle: Heinz Gärtner über die aktuelle Lage in Afghanistan 🎬
August 19 | Afghanistan: Give the UN a chance 🗞️
August 19 | Afghanistan: Interview mit Heinz Gärtner 🎬
August 18 | Eine regionale Konferenz und ein neutrales Afghanistan 🗞️
August 17 | The Afghan tragedy continues 🗞️
August 6 | Heinz Gärtner zum Taliban Vormarsch nach Kabul 🗞️
July 6 | Will the negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in Vienna be successful? 🎬
June 17 | Heinz Gärtner on the Austrian - South Korean relations 🎬
May 31 | [TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Prof. Heinz Gaertner On Iran Nuclear Deal And The West 🎬
May 5 | China and Multilateralism: China after the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) 🎬
May 4 | Promising Talks on Iran’s Nuclear Program Resume in Vienna 🗞️
April 21 | Ein Erfolg der Wiener Gespräche über das iranische Nuklearprogramm ist greifbar 🗞️
April 19 | China - the world's future number one: How to deal with it? 🗞️
April 19 | Heinz Gärtner: “Nuclear talks in Vienna must not fail” 🎬
April 13 | China and Multilateralism: China after the 13th National People's Congress 🎬
April 12 | Interview with Heinz Gärtner on the Iran-nuclear-talks in Vienna 🎬
April 12 | USA-Iran-Abkommen hing immer am seidenen Faden 🗞️
April 7 | Emerging Security Challenges in South Asia 🎬
March 4 | Iran’s “Look to the East Policy”: Pivot Towards China and Eurasian Economic Union 🗞️
August 28 | Fighting COVID-19 with Religious Discrimination 🗞️
July 8 | New Geopolitical Challenges and the SCO: Sino-Indian Border Clashes and Covid-19 🗞️
June 3 | China - Partner or Competitor in Globalization? 🗞️
May 1 | What is the Belt and Road Initiative? A Chinese “Marshall Plan” or a “Geopolitical Tool”? 🗞️
September 24 | Presidential Elections in Afghanistan 🎬
July 1 | China in the International System 🎬
December 19 | The Peace Process of the Korean Peninsula: Analysis and Forecast 🗞️