A Green Light for Albania and North Macedonia 🎬

A Green Light for Albania and North Macedonia 🎬

The EU will move forward with the opening of accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia. Both countries — like the other candidate countries Serbia and Montenegro — lost much time due to a lack of reforms and internal political disputes. But let us not speak about the past but instead look toward the future. And both governments present in power in Albania and North Macedonia have made decisive progress on many reforms necessary for future EU membership.

Virus ohne Grenzen - Gesundheit ohne Grenzen

Virus ohne Grenzen - Gesundheit ohne Grenzen

Hannes Swoboda analysiert in seinem neuen Blogbeitrag die möglichen Auswirkungen des Umgangs mit Covid-19 auf die Zukunft staatlicher Gesundheitssysteme, potentielle Kontrolle der Gesellschaft durch den Staat mithilfe neuer technischer Entwicklungen aber auch mit dem Spannungsfeld zwischen Nationalismus und Kooperation. Wohin wird sich die internationale Gemeinschaft nach Ende der Krise bewegen und was bedeutet das für aktuelle Friedensprozesse?

The Geopolitical Consequences of the New Oil War

The Geopolitical Consequences of the New Oil War

The word “war” is unquestionably often misused. Recently French President Macron spoke about a war against the new coronavirus. At the same time, the media report on a new oil war. A better expression to describe the conflict about the oil price and the oil supply would be to speak about a crash in oil prices. But “oil war” sounds more exciting. Irrespective of the words used, the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Russia concerning the oil price has global consequences.

Fördert Corona die De-Globalisierung?

Fördert Corona die De-Globalisierung?

Seit längerem wird in politischen und wissenschaftlichen Kreisen diskutiert, ob der Phase der Globalisierung eine Periode der De-Globalisierung folgen könnte. Das Auftreten und die rasche Verbreitung des Corona Virus hat nun dieser Debatte neue Nahrung gegeben. Was nun den Virus und dessen Verbreitung betrifft, so muss man vorsichtig sein, dies mit der Globalisierung in Zusammenhang zu bringen.

The EU and Africa: a Dialogue of Equals, from Trade to Genetic Material to Art

The EU and Africa: a Dialogue of Equals, from Trade to Genetic Material to Art

The European Commission (EC) recently presented a new EU-Africa strategy titled “Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa.” From green technology, digital transformation, and sustainable growth to peace, security, and a balanced approach to migration and mobility, the report addresses many essential areas of cooperation. EU High Representative Josip Borell underlined in particular the need for security and peace cooperation. Here the EU is certainly the biggest supporter of all activities combatting violence and armed conflicts. But, as Borell reiterated after a visit by the EC to the African Union in Addis Ababa: “The future of Europe is strongly connected to the demographic, economic and political dynamics of Africa. Unfortunately the public sees Africa only through the migration prism.” Regarding the issue of climate change, he correctly added:” Our climate future depends as much from what Africa doing as from our own efforts.”

History, Reconciliation, and Peace

History, Reconciliation, and Peace

What is the relation between history, the teaching of history, reconciliation, and peace? Even if people and politicians would agree on historic facts, the evaluation of these facts and the roots and causes leading to these facts vary extensively. In a Europe that was for centuries characterized by wars, the interpretation of history is particularly sensitive. The different, often antagonistic evaluation of past wars lead to new wars. The experiment to build a common Europe, beyond national, ethnic, and cultural cleavages, would necessarily only come about with difficulties. And the same was and is true for a region like the Western Balkans.

What to do about Russia?

What to do about Russia?

Nevertheless, to talk to Russia - without illusions(!) - is necessary. Europe cannot ignore Russia, even if it condemns many of its actions. And the EU should be clear on any violation of international or humanitarian law. But the fact that the US - or sometimes EU countries - might also be violating international law is neither a justification for being soft on Russia nor is it an argument to refrain from better communication with Russia. Peace in and around Europe can only be promoted and established with Russia. It is time to recognize this fact.

Hilfe an Flüchtlinge hat Priorität

Hilfe an Flüchtlinge hat Priorität

Die Situation an der Grenze zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland muss man als humanitäre Katastrophe betrachten. Die Tatsache, dass viele Mitgliedsstaaten der EU Griechenland allein gelassen haben, hat auf etlichen griechischen Inseln zu einer humanitären Katastrophe geführt. Schon längst hätte man viele Flüchtlinge auf mehrere europäische Länder verteilen können. Noch ist es nicht zu spät, wie vor kurzem der österreichische Bundespräsident klar gesagt hat. Diesbezüglich sollte auch die österreichische Regierung schnellstens aktiv werden.