Understanding the New Geopolitics of Eurasia

Understanding the New Geopolitics of Eurasia

On May 20th, the International Institute for Peace (IIP) in cooperation with Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Institute for Security Policy (ISP) and the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES) hosted a conference on Geopolitics with the title: “Contested sovereignties, Contested global orders? Understanding the new geopolitics of Eurasia”. Numerous experts from a variety of countries and disciplines took part in the discussion approaching the topic from many different points of view. This short contribution is based on the topics discussed.

Presidential Elections in Ukraine

Presidential Elections in Ukraine

On March 28th, 2019 the International Institute for Peace organized together, with the Karl-Renner-Institut, the Competence Centre for Black Sea Region and EURAS/University of Vienna an event on the upcoming Presidential elections in Ukraine. The panel discussion was moderated by Jutta Sommerbauer, a Journalist from „die Presse“ and featured the participation of Alexander Dubowy, Centre for Eurasian Studies at the University of Vienna;  Nadiia Koval, Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism"; Johannes Leitner, Head of the Competence Center for Black Sea Region Studies, Vienna; Alena Lunyova, Human Rights Information Centre, Kiyv and Hannes Swoboda, President of the International Institute for Peace and former MEP (S&D Group), Vienna.

EU-Russia Dialogue: Vienna Process 2019

EU-Russia Dialogue: Vienna Process 2019

On February 4-5, 2019 the International Institute for Peace (IIP) co-organized together with the International Centre for Advanced and Comparative EU-Russia Research Vienna (ICEUR), Raiffeisen Bank International and the city of Vienna, the “Vienna process conference 2019”. This was a moment to celebrate the ten years activity of ICEUR and to work on ideas on how to strengthen the EU-Russia political and economic dialogue. The speakers highlighted the necessity of a frank dialogue about goals and principles on which a restored relationship should be established. The second day of the conference featured three panel discussions  on economy and finance, civil society and the role of investigative media.

Peace First – Brauchen wir eine neue Friedensbewegung?

Peace First – Brauchen wir eine neue Friedensbewegung?

m 13. Dezember lud das Internationale Institut für den Frieden (IIF) zu Vernissage, Lesung und Diskussion über das Thema ‚Peace First – Brauchen wir eine neue Friedensbewegung?` ein. Zu Gast waren Gabriele Matzner, ehemalige Botschafterin Österreichs und Publizistin, Antonio Fian, Schriststeller, Egbert Jahn, Friedensforscher und Hannes Swoboda, Präsident IIF und ehemaliges MEP. Durch den Abend moderierte Trautl Brandstaller, Publizistin; Stephanie Fenkart, Direktorin IIF hieß die Gäste willkommen. 

Augenzeugenberichte aus der Ostukraine

Augenzeugenberichte aus der Ostukraine

Am 11. Dezember 2018 fand auf Initiative der ukrainischen Botschaft in Wien hin Gespräch über Augenzeugenberichte aus der Ostukraine im International Institut für den Frieden (IIF) statt. Dazu wurden Igor Kozlovsky und Stalina Chubenko eingeladen, um ihre persönliche Geschichte im Kontext des Konflikts in der Ostukraine zu erzählen und um größeres Bewusstsein für die Lage dort zu schaffen.