On December 6, 2018 the International Institute for Peace (IIP) held a panel that discussed social movement in Nicaragua in light of the protests against Daniel Ortega that started in April 2018. The event was introduced by a welcoming speech from Stephanie Fenkart, Director of the International Institute for Peace. The panelists who took part in the discussion were Angel Medrano, a member of the Party Ciudadanos per la liberdadand the movement of 19thApril; Leo Gabriel, Journalist and former correspondent from Nicaragua; Teresa Gruber, member of SOS-Nicaragua Austria and Laurin Blecha, historian specializing in Nicaragua and Latin America. The discussion was moderated by Marlene Prinz, Project Assistant at the IIP.
Two Faces of European Right-Wing Populist Trends: Denmark and Hungary
On November 27 the International Institute for Peace in cooperation with the Sir Peter Ustinov Institute Vienna and the Forum of Journalism and Media invited to discuss the development of right-wing populism in Europe by contrasting the situation in Denmark and Hungary and also considering events in Austria.
Robotic Wars
Am 20 November 2018 diskutierten am IIP ANGELA KANE, ehem. Hohe Repräsentantin der UNO für Abrüstungsfragen, Vizepräsidentin, International Institute for Peace, MARKUS REISNER, Oberstleutnant des Generalstabsdienstes der Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien, THOMAS HAJNOCZI, Botschafter, Direktor für Abrüstung, BMEIA unter der Moderation von STEPHANIE FENKART, Direktorin, International Institute for Peace (IIP) das hochaktuelle Thema “Legitimität und Legalität vonRobotic Wars”.
The Peace Process of the Korean Peninsula: Analysis and Forecast
China verstehen
Die USA nach den Wahlen
Unity and Disunity in Wider Europe: New Approaches to European Cooperation and Integration?
Vernissage "QUO VADIS" von Klaus Joachim Keller mit Musik und Gespräch zu Migration und Klimawandel
Am 8. Oktober fand im Zuge der Vernissage “Quo vadis” von Klaus Joachim Keller ein Gespräch rund um Migration, Klimawandel und das künstlerische Schaffen des Künstlers statt. Geführt wurde dieses mit Hannes Swoboda, Präsident des International Institute for Peace und ehemaligem Mitglied des europäischen Parlaments.
Turbulences in the Middle East are Here to Stay
Values, what values? Backgrounds of the difficult value discourse with Russia
In the controversy between Russia and the European Union the discussion about values became more and more a central element over the years. Therefore The EURAS, the Karl Renner Institut and the IIP organized a forum to exchange opinions whether the current conflict is a clash of values or rather a clash of interests and if there are generally applicable rights or a traditional self-reliance of Russian values.