International Institute for Peace
The International Institute for Peace (IIP) is an international and non-governmental organisation (NGO and INGO), with consultative status at ECOSOC and UNESCO. The IIP pursues the objective of contributing to the maintenance and strengthening of peace through its research activities and as a platform to promote non-violent conflict resolution in different areas of the world and to a wide range of people.
The European Union becoming a global player – a geopolitical Europe as some put it – is one of the major challenges of the current changes in the global order. However, there are still many observers doubting, that this unique supranational organisation, comprising of the Commission as well as 27 member states with their individual foreign and security policy, can come to a coherent and implementable policy in matters of foreign affairs.
If we want to understand capabilities of the EU to shape matters on a global scale, it is worth looking at the immediate neighbourhood of the Union, where challenges are abounding and need conflict management. Therefore, this conference will put the neighbourhood test at the “Weltpolitikfähigkeit” of the EU, focussing on crisis hot-spots in close proximity like the two new candidate countries Ukraine and Moldova, the Middle East, as well as the conflict in the South Caucasus
Vienna Peace and Security Talks 2024
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