Visit of a delegation of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies

On the 7th of June 2017 a meeting between a delegation from the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS) and the president of the IIP, Hannes Swoboda, the director, Stephanie Fenkart and the member of the Advisory Board, Heinz Gärtner, took place in the premises of the International Institute for Peace in Vienna.

The aim was to exchange views on topics of mutual interest focusing on recent political developments in Europe. Questions addressed have been:

-      How the presidential elections in Austria, France and UK and later in Germany might influence/change the political spectrum of the respective countries in particular and Europe as a whole?

-      The rise of populism and nationalism in Europe

-      The future of the EU after BREXIT and the differing role for France and Germany

-      Relations with third countries, especially China, Russia and the US