The Future of Nuclear Weapons in Europe 🎬

The Russian Federation and the USA are modernising their non-strategic nuclear arms for Europe. Both are blaming the respective other that they have been violating the INF-Treaty – the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which came into force 30 years ago. Is a new trend developing towards a larger role for nuclear weapons in European security? Is the Trump-Administration receding from the vision of a nuclear-free world? Which challenges and risks arise for those who are putting efforts into the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons? Which consequences can be drawn for the recent negotiations about a nuclear-weapons-convention (NWC)?

About these and other questions the panellists below discussed on May 2nd 2017.

Angela Kane                          Vice-President of the International Institute for Peace, IIP - Vienna

                                            Former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, New York

Hans M. Kristensen               Federation of American Scientists, Washington

Otfried Nassauer                   Berlin Information-center for Transatlantic Security

Susi Snyder                           Pax Nederlande, Utrecht

Igor Sutyagin                        Royal United Services Institute, London

to read the summary please click here

to watch the discussion please see below