Just Intervention? Between R2P and Prohibition of Force 🎬

On the 16th of October 2017, the IIP organised a conference and book presentation on the topic "Just Intervention? Between R2P and Prohibition of Force". The book consists of 16 articles from different authors and disciplines. Questions like:

- Which intentions are eventually leading to an armed intervention and on which theoretical and judicial basis is it exercised?

- Who is realizing them and which purposes are behind them?

- When is an intervention seen as efficient and effective and sustainable?

- Which role did Europe have in this regard and is there a difference between legality and legitimacy in international relations?

have been discussed.

You can find more about the book here

You can find the Keynote of Mr. Erwin Lanc, Minister ret. here

The Videos of the conference are available below

Panel I

with Hannes Swoboda, Angela Kane, Ursula Werther-Pietsch, Heinz GΓ€rtner and Stephanie Fenkart (moderator)

Panel II

with Alexander Nikitin, Matthias Dembinski, Ralph Janik, Jan Willem Honig, Markus Gauster and Stephanie Fenkart (moderator)