Die jüngste Eskalation im Bergkarabach-Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan zeigt, wie der Krieg der Zukunft geführt wird. Drohnen fällt dabei eine Schlüsselrolle zu.
‘Individual sovereignty’ in pandemic times – a contradiction in terms?
Over the past months, appeals to ‘individual sovereignty’ have brought together a wide range of political actors across Europe, united in their rejection of face masks, ‘social distancing’, and other forms of state-imposed regulation of behavior and mobility. Opposition to state efforts to govern the spread of the pandemic has created, indeed, the most unlikely of coalitions—from anarchists and natural health proponents to anti-vaxxers and libertarians of all stripes (from the radical-ecological to the right-nativists)—all mobilizing around a purported defense of ‘personal freedoms’ and ‘individual rights’ against the sovereign power of states.
Europas Herausforderung durch Flucht: neue EU Vorschläge
“Wir können alleine nicht alle Probleme der Welt lösen, aber wir können - und sollen - unseren Teil dazu leisten“ meinte einmal der ehemalige französische Premierminister und EU Parlamentarier, Michel Rocard. Diese Aussage ist einerseits sehr pragmatisch aber auch zugleich moralisch. Ich würde mir wünschen, die österreichische Regierung und auch manch andere EU Regierungen würden sich daran halten. Aber auch horrende Zustände in manchen Flüchtlingslagern und der jüngste Brand im griechischen Flüchtlingslager Moria haben die Herzen, vieler sogenannter christlicher PolitikerInnen, nicht erweicht.
Weitere Sanktionen gegen Russland - Stopp für Nord Stream 2?
Wieder einmal sind - weitere - Sanktionen der EU gegen Russland im Gespräch. Anlass ist die Vergiftung des bekanntesten, wenngleich umstrittenen Oppositionspolitiker Aleksej Nawalny. Allerdings kommt auch das russische Verhalten in Bezug auf die Krise in Weißrussland hinzu. Putin mag keine Demokratie zu Hause und keine in seiner Nachbarschaft.
Die Türkei macht wieder Schlagzeilen. Präsident Erdoğan ist unermüdlich dabei, der Türkei eine neue regionale Rolle und ein neues politisches System zu geben. Eine Mischung aus traditionellem Nationalismus, aus neu entwickeltem Islamismus und aus wiederentdecktem Großmachtdenken soll die Türkei - und vor allem Präsident Erdoğan - zu einer Stellung verhelfen, an der niemand vorbeikann. Das ist nicht nur an politischen Handlungen erkennbar, sondern wird auch „kulturell“ untermauert. Ein kürzlich präsentiertes Video, zeichnet die Neuinterpretation der Geschichte von der Eroberung Istanbuls bis zur Rückverwandlung der Hagia Sophia in eine Moschee nach. Von Mehmet, dem Eroberer, bis zu Erdoğan wird eine Linie gezogen, die die säkulare, republikanische Zeit vergessen lässt. Und alle türkischen Staatsbürger - unabhängig davon wo sie leben - sollen sich an dem von Präsident Erdoğan vorgegebenen Leitbild orientieren.
„Israel and United Arab Emirates strike historic peace deal“ was one of the headlines in the international media on 14th of August. This headline of the Financial Times expressed the official US position since it was the US or more specifically Jared Kushner who brokered this deal. However, there was no war between Israel and the UAE, so the normalization of diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE could not be called correctly a peace deal. Anyway, it should be normal, that two countries, especially if located in the same region, are having normal diplomatic relations.
Fighting COVID-19 with Religious Discrimination
The Korean authorities have garnered significant praise for their effective response to COVID-19. However, the country’s experience has not been without controversy. A significant proportion of cases were publicly attributed to a controversial religious congregation, and the authorities’ dealings with its members raise questions about compliance with a number of human rights.
Belarus after Presidential Elections: Campaign, Results and Protest Movement
Belarus is now making headlines in the international media. It is however tragic that, similar to Ukraine six years ago, it began to be widely discussed in the West only after conflict, violence, and brutality erupted. After the presidential elections on August 9th, Belarusians took to the streets to demand a fair count of their votes. There are overwhelming arguments to be sure that elections results were blatantly falsified. As was expected, the Central Electoral Commission has preliminary declared victory for long-standing president Aliaksandar Lukashenka with 80% of the vote while acknowledging only 10% support for the popular oppositional candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. As was also largely expected, the security forces were deployed by the Belarusian authoritarian leader to suppress the peaceful demonstrations that started across the country in both cities and small towns.
Recently, US foreign minister Mike Pompeo visited Central Europe including Austria. Pompeo is a fervent follower and spokesman of President Trump. Both practice a special form of a nationalistic policy. This became also clear from the report of former security advisors John Bolton when he described his differences with President Trump. Trump has of course the interests of the United States on his mind -as he sees them - but primarily he wants to follow his own personal interest.
In the last weeks the world lost two strong and determined peace makers: John Lewis in the US and John Hume in Ireland. Interestingly, both have been influenced by Dr. Martin Luther King. Both had strong convictions and were victims of vicious attacks, but both were representing politics of peaceful change and non-violence.