The chair of our Advisory Board, Prof. Dr Heinz Gärtner, gave an interview on TVP world, where he answered many questions about Iran's retaliation against Israel. Professor Gärtner expressed his opinion on why Iran is delaying its vowed retaliation attack against Israel and talked about the potential implications of the attacks.
THE DAY AFTER | The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Law in Ukraine: Law vs. Reality
Images of wounded soldiers killed by drones, emaciated Prisoners of War and no end in sight: military analyst Franz-Stefan Gady has recently been to the frontline in Ukraine. He will discuss recent developments there and the question of what role law plays (or, rather, does not play) on the battlefield with Ralph Janik and Stephanie Fenkart.
FALTER-Radio Podcast Folgen zum Thema 'Holocaust, Genozid und der 7. Oktober'
Podcast 'Inside Conflict': Krieg in der Ukraine – Wege aus dem Labyrinth
PeaceTech, Is It a Buzzword or a Breakthrough? Reflections From the Inaugural Digital Peace Camp Event
This June, the Austrian Centre for Peace, in collaboration with the International Institute for Peace, the Agency for Peacebuilding, and the Open PeaceTech Hub, hosted the inaugural Digital Peace Camp in Vienna. The event brought together peacebuilders and technology enthusiasts to explore the intersection of peace and technology, addressing the pivotal question: Is PeaceTech a breakthrough or merely a buzzword?
Democracy/Nationalism/Populism - Trends in Austria and Hungary in light of EU elections
Beiratsvorsitzender Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Gärtner im Interview mit ORF2: Problem der Zuordnung von Cyberangriffen
PULS24 Interview: Spanien, Irland und Norwegen wollen Palästina als Staat anerkennen
Spanien, Irland und Norwegen haben angekündigt, Palästina als Staat anerkennen zu wollen. Sie schließen sich damit 140 Staaten an, die das bereits getan haben. Stephanie Fenkart, Direktorin des International Institute for Peace (IIP), spricht mit PULS 24 Anchorwoman Nina Flori über diesen Schritt und welche Auswirkungen er haben könnte.