Democracy/Nationalism/Populism - Trends in Austria and Hungary in light of EU elections


BERNHARD WEIDINGER, Right-wing extremism researcher at the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW)

PÉTER KREKÓ, Social Psychologist and Expert on Disinformation




With the elections in both Austria and Hungary this year as well as the 2024 European Parliament elections approaching, right-wing populist parties seem to be on the rise across Europe. In Austria, the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) is currently leading the polls, at around 30%, even though the party has faced a series of scandals in recent years. As the FPÖ continues to gain in popularity, it looks to Austria’s neighbor to the east for inspiration. As Herbert Kickl, leader of the FPÖ, regularly reminds his voters, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban is a “role model” for the party – as for many other far-right populist politicians in Europe.

This panel will explore the experiences of these two countries with the far right and try to identify key trends and differences in their political landscapes. With many parties looking to create and cultivate their own alternative sources of media, this panel will discuss how these processes compare in Austria and Hungary. What distinguishes the media landscapes in the two countries, and how do they function? Why have far-right populist parties been so successful in Austria and Hungary, and what are the main contributing factors to their success? What are effective strategies to address anti-democratic trends?

The discussion will also touch upon the significance of these issues in the context of the European Parliament elections and their broader implications for the EU’s normative approach. Given that many expect a shift to the right in the upcoming elections, with right-wing populist parties gaining seats, this will have particular implications for the EU’s foreign and environmental policy. Join us as we discuss these issues and more with Péter Krekó and Bernhard Weidinger!