These are excerpts from a public discussion titled 'Dealing with Justice and Peace Issues in Times of War'. The event took place at the Vienna School of International Studies on 14 November 2023.
Mahnwache in Stille für Frieden in Israel und Palästina
“Es gibt Zeiten, da fehlen einem die Worte. Sie fehlen, wenn es viel Gewalt gibt, die uns sprachlos zurücklässt. Und manchmal liegt jedes Wort auf der Waagschale. Gerade ist eine solche Zeit. Aber selbst wenn die Worte fehlen, wollen wir trotzdem nicht nichts tun”, so drei der Initiatorinnen, Sarah Haas, Sophia Stanger und Melanie Kuhrn. Am Mittwoch laden Standing Together gemeinsam mit den Friedensorganisationen Austrian Centre for Peace (, dem internationalen Versöhnungsbund ( und dem Internationalen Institut für den Frieden ( zu einer Mahnwache in Stille ein.
Ukraine and the Allies: Keeping the Firm Rock Unity and Solidarity
On the EU’s Frontline: Outcomes from Poland’s 2023 Parliamentary Elections
This panel discusses the results of the election as well as its significance for the EU in terms of Poland’s ambitions to shift power to the east and the EU’s own external policies, especially regarding its Eastern Neighborhood. Finally, the experts from Ukraine and Belarus respectively analyze Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Belarusian relations as seen by Poland’s interlocutors from these two countries.
Krieg und Deeskalation – welche Perspektiven bietet zivile Friedensarbeit?
Towards a more inclusive global governance: What role for Europe?
The Russian attack on Ukraine is not only reshaping the Western-led international order. It has raised new questions about the EU's ambition to become a geopolitical power with strategic autonomy, at least in the short and medium term. But it has also brought into focus the necessary inclusion of new actors – labelled collectively under the rather misleading term of the Global South – into processes of strengthening elements of international order but also of building peace in Europe. The continent is not anymore the stable exception in a disorderly world, but part of a global struggle, in need of stabilising efforts from outside.
New/Old Extremism and Nationalism in Southeastern Europe: A Threat to Europe and Democracy?
The topic of the event will encompass Karcic’s research on the genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the presence of far-right symbols, and the nationalism/extremism in the Southeastern European region, with a particular focus on its implications for the European Union (EU). This discussion will delve into the complex dynamics shaping the region and the EU, shedding light on the historical context of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian genocide, the resurgence of right-wing extremism, and the overall political situation. Moreover, the event will explore how these factors affect the broader European landscape, emphasizing the EU's role and its interests in Southeastern Europe, but also the upcoming 2024 EU Parliament elections.
IIP's Study Trip to the South Caucasus: Photo Report
Waffenruhe in Berg-Karabach vereinbart
Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: Diplomacy as it should be!
The restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia through the mediation of the Republic of China was a major political event in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, and a success for diplomacy in general. Both, the US and the EU missed the opportunity to play a major diplomatic role because they are caught in their definition of a “rule-based order”, which means only working with states one agrees with.