U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf | Heinz Gärtner

U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf | Heinz Gärtner

Amidst a mounting U.S. military buildup in the Gulf region, some security analysts are sounding the alarm bells, warning of a perilous escalation with Iran that could have far-reaching consequences. The situation has experts on edge as they observe unfolding developments and assess the potential fallout of the delicate geopolitical balance. With tensions spiraling, the intensified American presence holds the power to ignite conflict. Or will it contain Iran? And what does it mean for regional and global security? Let’s analyze it further. We are joined now by Heinz Gärtner - Professor, who teaches among others in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna.

Europeans Cant Believe BRICS Summit Success | Heinz Gartner | Neutrality Studies

Europeans Cant Believe BRICS Summit Success | Heinz Gartner | Neutrality Studies

Professor Heinz Gärtner and Pascal discuss the 2023 Brics Summit meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa and the stunning successes it brought about. Especially the inclusion of Saudi Arabia and Iran—two arch enemies—in this emerging bloc is a stunning success. Meanwhile, Europe mostly ignores the tectonic shifts in international relations. Let's see how long they can turn a cold shoulder to this challenge.

Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: A Possible Precursor for Regional Cooperative Security

Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: A Possible Precursor for Regional Cooperative Security

The restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia was only possible through the mediation of the PRC. The EU and the US, who individually and together could not achieve this diplomatic feat, showed the inherent weakness of the West’s rule-based order. Stability in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf will be boosted by this rapprochement. By working together to achieve common political and economic goals, there is no telling what Iran and Saudi Arabia cannot achieve – also regarding the JCPOA or the Palestinian question.

The NATO summit in Vilnius - Robert E. Hunter in conversation with Heinz Gärtner

The NATO summit in Vilnius - Robert E. Hunter in conversation with Heinz Gärtner

The NATO summit pledged more military financial aid for Ukraine. Robert Hunter warned that this could escalate the war into Russia proper. The war delays Ukraine’s membership for an indefinite time. A divided Ukraine will not become NATO member. Russia will recover after 15-20 years and will have to be integrated in European security institutions. Russia’s isolation could lead to the Versailles analogy. Models for post-war Europe could be the Congress of Vienna 1815 or the Summit of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Helsinki 1975. NATO should not expand to Asia and Austria should remain neutral.

Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik & Neutralität – Optionen für die Zukunft 🎬

Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik & Neutralität – Optionen für die Zukunft 🎬

Europa ist am 24.02.2022 in einer Zeitenwende aufgewacht, der sich auch Österreich nicht entziehen kann. Nur hierzulande kam dies bisher noch nicht richtig an. Politische Debatten über die Thematik werden oft unter dem Deckmantel der Neutralität gestoppt. Wie kann sich eine kleine Nation wie Österreich in dieser neuen Welt schützen? Wie sollte eine moderne Sicherheitspolitik aussehen? Reicht es, das Bundesheer (wieder) erstarken zu lassen oder muss die Neutralität adaptiert oder sogar an sich in Frage gestellt werden? Wie sehr zählt die Argumentation, man sei sicher, da man von NATO-Ländern umgeben sei, in einer Welt, in der hybride Angriffe keine Grenzen kennen? Was passiert, wenn die USA, wie bereits unter Präsident Donald Trump, drohen, den über Europa gespannten Sicherheitsschirm einzuziehen?