New START was the last remaining bilateral arms agreement between the United States and Russia, putting a crucial cap on each side’s strategic nuclear arsenals of 1,550 deployed warheads and 700 deployed missiles and heavy bombers.
Strategic Realignments in the Middle East Ahead of a Biden Presidency: A View from Jerusalem 🎬
With the election of Joe Biden as the new president of the US, inaugurated in January 2021, geopolitical considerations run high in the Middle East and different stakeholders are realigning their positions. The possibility of US return to the JCPOA, which Prime Minister Netanyahu always perceived as a threat to Israeli security, is tangible. Because the Trump administration incentivized Arab states to sign the Abraham Accords with unprecedented, norm-breaking promises, it is unclear whether the Biden administration will fulfil all of them, a reality which gives rise to concerns in Israel and the normalizing states regarding the fate of the agreements.
Peace in Ethiopia through Military Force? What can we learn about the Tigray conflict from Medemer and Welkait (ወልቃይት)? 🎬
In 2019, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his attempts to pacify the country and the Horn of Africa. Yet, in November 2020 he deployed military forces to control a conflict in the Tigray Region. Did the Nobel Peace laureate turn into a war monger? Why did he not practice the reconciliation, brotherhood and unity he preached?
Führerschaft der USA „nicht gleich Partnerschaft“
To the Day of Solidarity with Belarus
The IIP has been closely following the protest movement in Belarus which erupted after the fraudulent presidential elections in August 2020. In continuity with our efforts to promote democracy and human rights all over the world and in the EU Neighborhood, we publish this statement below to mark six months of the fight against authoritarianism in Belarus.
Außer Kontrolle? Aufrüstung und die Misstrauensspirale
What Future of US-EU cooperation? Reflections on the Inauguration of the 46th president of the US 🎬
Today the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States will take place in Washington D.C. This will mark the end of the Trump administration which shaped the American politics for the last four years. IIP experts will discuss the inauguration ceremony, the first Biden’s actions in the role of president, as well as issues and challenges that the new Democratic administration will face in the first days.
Heinz Gärtner: International - Atomabkommen neu, was nun? 🎬
N1 Interview with Hannes Swoboda: Belgrade, Pristina can’t reach agreement on their own
N1 Interview with Hannes Swoboda: More energy must be invested into overcoming stalemates in Bosnia 🎬
Not enough energy is being invested into overcoming political stalemates in Bosnia and Herzegovina and, due to the way the country is set up, political leaders often only aim to appeal to members of their ethnic group, Austrian politician and former member of the European Parliament, Hannes Swoboda, told N1.