What Future of US-EU cooperation? Reflections on the Inauguration of the 46th president of the US 🎬


  • HEINZ GÄRTNER, University of Vienna, IIP

  • HANNES SWOBODA, President of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), former MEP


  • STEPHANIE FENKART, Director of the IIP


Today the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States will take place in Washington D.C. This will mark the end of the Trump administration which shaped the American politics for the last four years. IIP experts will discuss the inauguration ceremony, the first Biden’s actions in the role of president, as well as issues and challenges that the new Democratic administration will face in the first days.

Under the Trump administration, the international security architecture has dramatically changed. Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris climate deal, the INF Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty. The historic cooperation between the EU and the US also suffered – Trump has in many ways alienated the Europeans with his actions and has angered several European NATO states which now question the alliance with the US.

Not only must President-elect Biden unite the Americans who were divided by the internal policies by the Trump administration, he must also rebuild the trust and confidence among the EU and the NATO members. The question is to what extent this is possible and how this could be done? Will there be again a healthy and strong US-EU cooperation in the future?