Ukraine and the USA: What is at stake for Europe?

Ukraine and the USA: What is at stake for Europe?

by Maro Polykarpou

The war in Ukraine has been taking place since 2014 and has been the subject of interest for big powers such as Russia, USA, Europe and China, leading the country to lose its own independent interests. For this reason the International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Platform for Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Ukraine and the US Embassy in Austria invited Nolan Peterson, who has been reporting on the war in Ukraine since the summer of 2014, as a Kyiv-based correspondent.

International Summer School Šipan

International Summer School Šipan

by Maro Polykarpou

The 17th International Summer School organised by the Atlantic Council of Croatia with the support of NATO PDD and the International Institute for Peace in Vienna was held in the island of Sipan between the 24th and 29th of June 2018. This year’s topic was ‘The role of NATO in the process of stabilisation of Western Balkan countries’ with a special focus on the process of accession of the candidate Western Balkan countries in the European Union and NATO.

A new approach for Western Balkans enlargement - Summer School in Sipan

A new approach for Western Balkans enlargement - Summer School in Sipan

by Hannes Swoboda

At the yearly summer seminar at the island of Sipan close to Dubrovnik I presented the following ideas for a stronger EU -Western Balkan relationship. The summer seminar which is organized by the Croatian Atlantic Council with the support of the Vienna International Institute for Peace is an excellent opportunity of students of the region to discuss hot issues of the Western Balkan region.

Heute im Konflikt und morgen Partner Europas?

Heute im Konflikt und morgen Partner Europas?

Bei der gemeinsamen Podiumsdiskussion “Heute im Konflikt und morgen Partner Europas?” diskutierten wir gemeinsam mit Shabka über das breite Thema “Zivilgesellschaft im Konflikt” in Tunesien, Syrien und in der kurdischen Region im Nordirak. Dem Ansatz polit- und demokratietheoretischer Forschung folgend, investiert die EU in die lokale  Zivilgesellschaft, zur Stabilisierung konfliktzerworfener Gesellschaften und zur Förderung der Demokratie in der MENA Region. Aber was können zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure wirklich bewirken? Welche Gruppen von Akteuren gilt es zu differenzieren? Und wie soll die EU-Strategie dazu in Zukunft aussehen?

North Korea - In Talk with Rüdiger Frank

North Korea - In Talk with Rüdiger Frank

As North Korea is a highly interesting and actual topic the International Institute for Peace (IIP) was very happy to host this event all around the new book of Rüdiger Frank – “Unterwegs in Nordkorea – Eine Gratwanderung”. Rüdiger Frank is North Korea expert and works as lecturer at the University of Vienna at the department of Eastern Asian studies.

Civilian Monitors – an effective enough remedy to end a hot conflict?

Civilian Monitors – an effective enough remedy to end a hot conflict?

On 23 April 2018, The Platform for Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Ukraine had the opportunity to host an exciting event with Ambassador Alexander Hug, Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. Providing insights in the work and daily life of the Special Monitoring Mission, the discussion revolved around the question whether OSCE civilian monitors were an effective enough remedy to end a hot conflict in Ukraine.