Das International Institute for Peace (IIP) hat in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Wien die Buchvorstellung „Frauen. Medien. Krieg“ organisiert. Der Fokus liegt auf folgenden Themen: die Rolle der Frau im Ersten Weltkrieg und nach dem Krieg, das kommunikative Handeln österreichischer Frauen und die Nebenerscheinung der Gewalt an Frauen in der Kriegsforschung und der Medienberichterstattung.
Friends with Enemies: Neutrality and Nonalignment Then and Now
The IIP and the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) hosted the “Friends with Enemies: Neutrality and Nonalignment Then and Now” conference in March 2020. The following report provides a summary of the general conclusions reached through presentations and discussion with over 30 experts and artists from around the world.
Arms Control and Disarmament: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union
IIP holds General Assembly
Fortress Europe? Current Migration Trends and European Responses
Russian Federation: Post-Putin after Putin?
Making the Case – Die Gefahren von Killer Robotern und die Notwendigkeit eines präventiven Verbotes
The IIP hosted an event on killer robots “Making the Case – Die Gefahren von Killer Robotern und die Notwendigkeit eines präventiven Verbotes” on January 29. The panelists discussed the technology, legality, ethics, and history of autononous weapons powered by artificial intelligence that may soon have the power to decide between life and death.
Young Generations for the New Balkans: Visit to Tirana 2020
A delegation from the “Young Generations for the New Balkans” initiative visited Albania in February 2020 to meet representatives of the government, civil society, and the media and share their “Vision 2030: Towards Alternative Horizons” policy proposal. The delegation spoke about EU integration and the recently announced accession methodology, the state of the media, regional cooperation across the six Western Balkan states, and youth engagement in decision-making.
"Iran in the International System: Between Great Powers and Great Ideas"
The IIP hosted a book presentation on the recently published “Iran in the International System: Between Great Powers and Great Ideas,” featuring multiple authors on the current situation in Iran. The authors examined nuclear proliferation and the nuclear deal with Iran, Iran’s economic outlook, and Iran’s relations with China, India, and Russia.
"And the walls remain the same?": Local conflict in Northern Ireland in light of Brexit and the Irish border question
Brexit and the Irish border question have brought new attention to the former conflict in Northern Ireland. Across the country, the continued existence of the peace walls hinder development and peacebuilding in interface communities. To understand the current situation and debate, Bert Preiss discusses his new book on the history of the conflict, the current situation of the interface communities, and the impact of Brexit, with comments by co-panelist Melanie Sully.