First Austrian Forum for Peace - "A Future for Peace: Rethinking our Answers in an Unpredictable Global Landscape"

First Austrian Forum for Peace - "A Future for Peace: Rethinking our Answers in an Unpredictable Global Landscape"

The Austrian Forum for Peace is a new, never before seen format in Austria, established to rethink approaches for resolving conflict and sustaining peace, to break through the spreading fog of global unpredictability. Elucidating answers requires a diversity of experience, approach, and perspective, which will be brought together in this new forum.

Israel's Domestic and International Challenges on its 75th Anniversary: Tectonic Shifts and Policy Dilemmas 🎬

Israel's Domestic and International Challenges on its 75th Anniversary: Tectonic Shifts and Policy Dilemmas 🎬

Israelis are celebrating their country's 75th anniversary in a time of turmoil. From domestic political disarray to new regional dynamics, the country is experiencing unprecedented challenges.

To better understand these issues, our two guest experts will explore the tectonic shifts that have occurred in Israeli society and politics, and examine how these changes have given rise to the current state of affairs. In addition, the panel will discuss the transitions between old and new forces and how they interact, as well as the country's social trends alongside regional and international policies under the current right-wing government.

IIP Talk: The OSCE in a time of war - Can the cooperative security be revitalized? 🎬

IIP Talk: The OSCE in a time of war - Can the cooperative security be revitalized? 🎬

The Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Europe is an inclusive Institution that comprises all European States, the US and Canada. It is designed to monitor and prevent conflicts. It could not prevent the Russian invasion in Ukraine, however. How can the OSCE be revitalized? Should it learn the lessons from its predecessor’s CSCE-Helsinki-document of 1975, which reduced tensions during the height of the Cold War?