Upcoming Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Results, Prospects, and EU Integration 🎬

Upcoming Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Results, Prospects, and EU Integration 🎬

Adnan Cerimagic, Senior Analyst at ESI and Expert on the Western Balkans, and Samir Beharic, Youth Activist and Research Officer at The Balkan Forum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will discuss more broadly the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and how the upcoming general elections will shape the future of the country. Internal issues, international and regional pressure, rising nationalism and the war in Ukraine all play a crucial role in shaping the already dire atmosphere just before the elections on October 2nd. How will the election impact Bosnia & Herzegovina’s journey towards the EU membership? How will the internal issues be solved, for example through a new elections law? What role should the international community assume in Bosnia? These and many more questions will be tackled by our speaker in this talk.

Kosovo’s visa liberalization: Can we hope for progress soon? 🎬

Kosovo’s visa liberalization: Can we hope for progress soon? 🎬

The European Commission confirmed in 2018 that Kosovo had fulfilled all its visa liberalization requirements for its citizens to travel freely across the Schengen Area. Four years later, the country has yet to be granted visa-free travel. To highlight the specific challenges that this overly politicized process poses for many ordinary citizens of Kosovo, this event will combine an expert public discussion with a presentation of a short film titled "The right of movement of Kosovar students."

Peace Research: A Feminsit Perspective 🎬

Peace Research: A Feminsit Perspective 🎬

Élise Féron is a Docent and a senior research fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (Finland). She lectures for the MA in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. Before moving to Finland, she held permanent positions at the University of Kent (UK) and at Sciences Po Lille (France). Her main research interests include conflict-generated diaspora politics, conflict prevention, gender and peace negotiations, masculinities and conflicts, sexual violence in conflict settings, as well as post-colonial interstate relations. Moderated by Marylia Hushcha, Researcher at the IIP.

Der lange Weg zum Frieden - Mag. Stephanie Fenkart (Reiner Wein Interview) 🎬

Der lange Weg zum Frieden - Mag. Stephanie Fenkart (Reiner Wein Interview) 🎬

Die Direktorin des International Institute For Peace (IIP) Mag. Stephanie Fenkart ist unser heutiger Gast bei Reiner Wein. Das Institut will eine Plattform bieten, auf der unterschiedliche Sichtweisen zusammengeführt werden und Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Gesellschaft Konflikte und deren Ursachen diskutieren können. Mit Wien als neutralem Standort, an dem sich auch große internationale Organisationen wie die UNO, die OPEC oder die Grundrechteagentur befinden, gelingt es oftmals, auch Experten aus dem Ausland für diesen Diskussionsprozess zu gewinnen. Neben diesem Engagement versucht das Institut, über Öffentlichkeitsarbeit die oft vereinfachte Darstellung internationaler Konflikte in den klassischen Medien positiv zu beeinflussen.

Deliberating Autonomous Weapons

Deliberating Autonomous Weapons

As UN High Representative for Disarmament, I met with Christof Heyns shortly after the 2013 publication of his report on lethal autonomous robotics and the protection of life, and subsequently brought it to the attention of representatives of member states. Heyns was a Human Rights Special Rapporteur, and reports such as his are not staple reading material for arms control officials. My interventions stimulated interest. But we needed a “home” for the discussions and found it in one of the Geneva Conventions—generally known as CCW, for simplicity’s sake. CCW is the umbrella convention for five protocols, one of which deals with blinding laser weapons that were outlawed before being fully developed. It was a perfect fit, everyone thought.

A Better Way to Detect the Origins of a Pandemic

A Better Way to Detect the Origins of a Pandemic

The war in Ukraine has caused severe disruption to regional and global security, including raising concerns about the potential use of unconventional weapons.1 Not least of these concerns is the dangerous Russian disinformation campaign alleging biological weapons development in Ukraine, which has led to fears that Russia itself may use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine as part of a false flag operation.2 In addition to highlighting the critical need to guard against biological risks, these allegations have drawn attention to serious gaps in the global biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architecture.

Interview: The doctrine of nuclear deterrence is the main obstacle for nuclear disarmament 🎬

Interview: The doctrine of nuclear deterrence is the main obstacle for nuclear disarmament 🎬

Tom Sauer, Professor in International Politics of University of Antwerpen and Heinz Gärtner (IIP) discuss the results of the first Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in Vienna and the tenth Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York.