Interview with Mykola Kapitonenko, Associate Professor at the Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Date: 14 March 2022. Interviewer: Marylia Hushcha, Researcher at the IIP.
Peacebuilding in the Era of Climate Crisis
The event will deal with the complex linkages between climate, environment and violent conflicts and explore potential pathways through which climate change can increase the occurrence of armed conflict or aggravate existing conflict situations. It will also discuss the challenges that climate change poses for peacebuilding and how environmental shocks can negatively affect the outcome of peace processes.
Book Presentation: The Chancellor
Acclaimed author Kati Marton sets out to pierce the mystery of this unlikely ascent. With unparalleled access to the chancellor’s inner circle and a trove of records only recently come to light, she teases out the unique political genius that is the secret to Merkel’s success. No other modern leader has so ably confronted authoritarian aggression, enacted daring social policies and calmly unified an entire continent in an era when countries are becoming only more divided. Again and again, she’s cleverly outmanoeuvred strongmen like Putin and Trump, and weathered surprisingly complicated relationships with allies like Obama and Macron.
IIP Statement about the current war in Ukraine
For many years the IIP has been focusing on developments in and around Ukraine. The recent attack by Russia on a sovereign state that it claims to be a brotherly nation has shocked the whole world. Russia is committing a horrible crime in Ukraine that can have no justification. Official references to Art.51/defense of the Donbass are simply wrong. We hope that violence ends quickly. Our thoughts are with Ukraine.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Political Crisis: Are Words Going to Stay the Only Weapon?
Twenty-six years ago, the Dayton Peace Agreement ended the war and laid the foundation of the constitutional and institutional architecture of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina consisting of two entities, the Federation of BiH and the Republika Srpska. Today, the country not only still faces enormous challenges but is also going through one of the biggest political crises. Corruption is widespread, ethnonationalism is rising and influences the educational and political system on a large scale, infrastructure is lacking, economy is weak, the health-care system is insufficient, and pollution is extremely high.
Nahost-Experte Gärtner über den Ukraine-Konflikt 🎬
USA-Ukraine-Konflikt: Heinz Gärtner im Interview 🎬
Wirtschaftssanktionen funktionieren nicht
Seit einigen Jahrzehnten werden wirtschaftliche Sanktionen von der Politik als wirksames Interventionsinstrument angesehen. Alte internationale Abkommen und Verträge werden gekündigt, keine neuen verhandelt. Sie werden zunehmend ersetzt durch Sanktionspolitik. Sanktionen haben sich nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges vervielfacht. Die USA haben gegenwärtig rund 8.000 (!) Sanktionen verhängt, davon alleine 2.000 über den Iran. Sie sollen Verhaltungsänderung erreichen oder Regime stürzen.
Peaceful Solution for Ukraine 🎬
In a recent Krasno Analysis article (December 14, 2021), the last US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock, wrote an insightful and much discussed essay about “Ukraine: A Tragedy of a Nation Divided,” portraying the internal and external hurdles for Ukraine, Russia, the US and NATO to find lasting solutions to the simmering conflicts in Ukraine. Only a few days later, on December 17, Russia surprised the World by publishing two draft treaties addressed to the US and NATO for a new security structure in Eastern Europe. At the same time, reports about Russian troop movements inside its territory and articles about NATOs strongly worded warnings toward Russia are raising the specter of a new international conflict in Europe.
“PEACE: Reflections on Africa” Exhibition and Talk 🎬
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Solomon Okpurukhre on the topic “Peace: Reflections on Africa”, the experts from the fields of art, peaceful conflict resolution and politics will discuss the power of art in peace-building, and how talking about peace connects people across cultures and from different countries. Peace is more than absence of war, it is about engaging people, engaging the youth in non-violent means and ownership for their future. Peace is not a process, it is a way of life, with multilayered facets which include politics, awareness, dealing with the past, present and future and which goes beyond status and economic means. It is about the respect and fulfilment of human rights, ownership, and the idea that everyone profits from peaceful societies.