Will the negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in Vienna be successful? 🎬

Will the negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in Vienna be successful? 🎬

According to most international observers the talks on the revival of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program (JCPOA) are in the final phase. Much has been agreed upon. Some hurdles still remain. Three working groups have been set up to negotiate which sanctions on Iran will be lifted and how Iran will return to its commitments of the original JCPOA of 2015. The panel will discuss the course of the negotiations in Vienna and the interests of the different parties. If there will be an agreement by the date of the panel, the panelists will discuss the results. If there will be no results yet, the panel will discuss why not.

The Future of Diplomacy After COVID-19: Multilateralism and Maintaining International Peace and Security 🎬

The Future of Diplomacy After COVID-19: Multilateralism and Maintaining International Peace and Security 🎬

The pandemic has had and is still having a strong impact on international diplomacy. It became clear that global cooperation and solidarity are central to dealing with the socio-economic effects of the global health crisis. Global challenges need global answers. The question therefore arises whether multilateral institutions like the World Health Organization and the United Nations, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in October 2020, are sufficiently efficient and effective to tackle the many global challenges and whether the commitment to universal values is strong enough to overcome narrow national interests. Our guests have co-authored a book with other UN diplomats on the Future of Diplomacy After COVID-19 that explores the lessons learned from the last year and offers their key recommendations for the post-pandemic world to strengthen multilateralism and the ability of multilateral institutions to maintain international peace, and security.

RECONCILIATION: 30 Years since the Breakup of Yugoslavia - How does the past shape the future for the young generation? 🎬

RECONCILIATION: 30 Years since the Breakup of Yugoslavia - How does the past shape the future for the young generation? 🎬

30 years after the breakup of Yugoslavia, the ghosts of the past continue to haunt the region. Old-fashioned backwards-oriented politics and nationalism are still present and even on the rise. The past is still instrumentalized for political purposes. The lack of economic, educational, or social perspectives for the youth drives many young people to leave their countries towards the West searching for a better life and more opportunities. In terms of dealing with the past, considerable efforts were made to initiate and support reconciliation, yet the results are rather limited and the question of effectiveness of tools and means applied remains.

BERLIN PROCESS - Request to the EU Member States and Western Balkans leaders: Enable the freedom of movement for all the Western Balkan citizens

BERLIN PROCESS - Request to the EU Member States and Western Balkans leaders: Enable the freedom of movement for all the Western Balkan citizens

Today the Berlin Process convenes under the auspices of Angela Merkel. Here you can watch the statement of the IIP President, Hannes Swoboda, on the freedom of movement for all Western Balkan citizens travelling within the region and throughout the Schengen area, and on the Berlin Process! Also, you can find the “Request to the EU Member States and Western Balkans leaders: Enable the freedom of movement for all the Western Balkan citizens” attached to this post!

International - Iran-Atomdeal, wie geht es weiter? - Heinz Gärtner 🎬

International - Iran-Atomdeal, wie geht es weiter? - Heinz Gärtner 🎬

Ein ausführliches Gespräch mit Prof. Heinz Gärtner, langjähriges Redaktionsmitglied von INTERNATIONAL und und neben anderen Spezialitäten auch Irankenner über die unmittelbar vor ihrer Wiederaufnahme befindlichen Gespräche für den Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) geführt. Diese werden heute oder Montag in Wien wieder aufgenommen und es stehen wesentliche Entscheidungen über Weiterführung, Abschluss oder Abbruch unmittelbar bevor.

IIP TALK: The Slovenian EU-Presidency and its implications for the Western Balkan Region 🎬

IIP TALK: The Slovenian EU-Presidency and its implications for the Western Balkan Region 🎬

In July 2021, Slovenia will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU for the second time. The European Union will still have to cope with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, which surely was the biggest challenge for its predecessors, Portugal, and Germany, with which Slovenia forms a trio to ensure a more consistent collaboration on the priorities which will be EU Green Deal, Rule of Law and Security of the EU. However, in June 2021 we are also commemorating the Break-Up of Yugoslavia. The Western Balkan countries still face many challenges related to its past. Reconciliation did not sufficiently happen; borders are still disputed, and nationalism is on the rise. While the commission declared a geopolitical orientation of the EU in the years to come, we can witness a “geopoliticalization” in the region with old and new actors entering the scene, mainly Russia, China, the Arab Emirates, who are challenging the European value-based approach towards the region.

Europe First? Joe Biden auf außenpolitischer Mission (Heinz Gärtner bei Journal-Panorama OE1)

Europe First? Joe Biden auf außenpolitischer Mission (Heinz Gärtner bei Journal-Panorama OE1)

Ist es dem US-Präsidenten gelungen, die durch seinen Vorgänger Donald Trump schwer ramponierte transatlantische Achse wieder zu stärken? Welche Konflikte zwischen Amerika und Europa bleiben auch unter Biden bestehen? Und was ist beim Russland-USA-Gipfel herausgekommen? Die Beziehungen der beiden Länder sind ja, so die Einschätzung beider Präsidenten, auf einem Tiefpunkt. Wie kann es nun weitergehen?

[TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Prof. Heinz Gaertner On Iran Nuclear Deal And The West

[TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Prof. Heinz Gaertner On Iran Nuclear Deal And The West

“In today’s podcast episode, we are pleased to be joined by Dr. Heinz Gaertner, Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and at Danube University. Our conversation touched on the Vienna talks identifying possible relaunch of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. Over the course of this podcast, Dr. Gaertner examined the possible implications of the negotiations in Vienna, as well as the fate of the JCPOA, which appear to be at a crucial stage.” - Vocal Europe

PART III: Geopolitical Struggle for the Black Sea Region - EU´s role in the Black Sea Region 🎬

PART III: Geopolitical Struggle for the Black Sea Region - EU´s role in the Black Sea Region 🎬

The shores of the Black Sea bring together countries of diverse economic, political and cultural orientations. Bulgaria and Romania are EU and NATO members, while Turkey is a NATO member and a prominent actor in the Middle East. Russia is the biggest regional power with a strong military presence and political clout in the Black Sea, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine have problematic relations with Russia, and they aspire for closer ties with the EU and NATO. Armenia and Azerbaijan are less ambitious with regard to the EU and look towards other regional actors, namely Russia and Turkey respectively. Considering these diverse and sometimes adversarial relations, does the Black sea unite or separate the countries on its coast and its wider regional context?