The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world more than any event since World War II. Among other impacts, it has had profound geopolitical implications for the United Nations and the Security Council – the bedrock of peace and security in the international legal and political order. To better understand these impacts and implications, the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations, KAS Belarus, and the IIIP co-hosted a virtual panel discussion as part of The World HandCOV’d series.
Ein neuer Weg für Europa? Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft in unsicheren Zeiten 🎬
Am 1. Juli 2020 hat Deutschland den EU-Ratsvorsitz von Kroatien übernommen, am 1. Jänner 2021 wird Slowenien und dann Portugal folgen. Der Ratsvorsitz wird, wenig überraschend, seinen Fokus auf die Bewältigung der Covid-19 Krise - Eindämmung der Pandemie und die Stärkung der Resilienz Europas – setzen. Die Krise hat einmal mehr gezeigt, dass Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik weit mehr beinhaltet als Verteidigung, dass Kooperation auch mit den Nachbarstaaten der EU unabdingbar ist, um den alten und neuen Herausforderungen entgegentreten zu können. In Zeiten der zunehmenden Abkehr eines multilateralen Systems, demokratiepolitisch bedenklichen Entwicklungen in Ländern der östlichen Partnerschaft, Russlands und des westlichen Balkans, dem Aufstieg Chinas, Kriegen und Krisen an Europas Rändern, das Ende von Abrüstungsverträgen aber auch Klimawandel und Migration muss die EU zu einer starken gemeinsamen Außenpolitik finden.
The Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue. Can an agreement finally be reached? 🎬
The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue started in March 2011 with the European Union playing the role of mediator. Those first meetings in Brussels were the first contacts made between Serbian and Kosovar officials since Kosovo’s declaration of independence in 2008. The dialogue can be described as a turbulent but much needed discussion between the two parties to solve territorial disputes and free both countries’ paths to EU membership.
Young Generations for the New Balkans Vision 2030 - Summer Supplement
The Western Balkans Initiative, which is sponsored by the International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Karl Renner Institute, and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), published its policy paper Young Generation for the New Balkans Vision 2030: Towards Alternative Horizons in December 2019. Since then, both the Initiative and the region itself have undergone important developments, changes, and updates. Within the region, a number of significant events have taken place this year, but the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and its resultant consequences have had a dramatic impact on the political, social, and economic situation in the six countries of the region.
Presidential elections, protests, and the pandemic: How will Belarus look after August 9th? 🎬
During the discussion, the panelists will report on ongoing developments in the electoral process in Belarus and reflect on the challenges this presidential campaign poses for the current regime, opportunities and obstacles for alternative political forces, economic hardships for the population, the effects of the pandemic, and the role of external actors, in what looks like a changing political situation in the country.
Post-Covid or Post-Democracy Balkans? Transitional Justice and Reconciliation after the Pandemic 🎬
The panel examines the current state of transitional justice and reconciliation in the region, as the countries of the Western Balkans seek to evaluate and seek justice for the wars of the 1990s. Taking into consideration the most recent developments, including the Serbian elections on June 21st, the upcoming elections in North Macedonia and Croatia, as well as the possible US-led negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, the panel will examine to what degree past processes of transitional justice have met success in the region, what are the most significant challenges to achieving lasting reconciliation, and what possible solutions or tools might advance transitional justice efforts across the region.
Post-Covid or Post-Democracy Balkans? What future for the region? A Discussion with Goran Svilanović 🎬
Die USA vor den Wahlen unter Corona 🎬
Die USA stehen vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen und noch nie zuvor hat ein amtierender Präsident in den USA und auf der ganzen Welt, dermaßen polarisiert. Zusätzlich hat sich in den USA die Corona Pandemie beispiellos ausgeweitet. Dies bringt US-Präsident Donald Trump und seine Regierung, neben seinen außenpolitischen Entscheidungen, zusätzlich massiv unter Druck. Es stellen sich daher alle die Frage, ob Donald Trump tatsächlich noch weitere vier Jahre an der Macht bleiben wird.
Letzter großer Atomvertrag auf der Kippe - Interview mit Heinz Gärtner in ORF 🗞️
"Iran in the International System" - Stanford Iranian Studies Program 🎬
Heinz Gärtner and Mitra Shahmoradi discuss their recent book Iran in the International System: Iran between Great Powers and Great Ideas (Routledge, January 2020). They are joined by Abbas Milani who will speak about his chapter in the book. Drawing on Iran’s history and its relations with great powers and its regional neighbors, this book addresses the question of how much continuity and/or change there is in Iranian international relations since the Iranian revolution.