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Part III: USA: BACK TO MULTILATERALISM? The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Middle East (NWFZME)

The International Institute for Peace (IIP) cordially invites you to the online discussion on the topic:


The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Middle East (NWFZME)


Date:                                 Monday, 15 March 2021

Time:                                 4:00 PM (CET) 

Venue:                               Zoom link will be sent to registered participants



  • HEINZ GÄRTNER, University of Vienna, IIP

  • SHIREEN HUNTER, Georgetown University

  • HANNES SWOBODA, President of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), former MEP

  • ERZSÉBET N.RÓSZA, Institute of World Economics

  • EXEQUIEL LACOVSKY, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


  • STEPHANIE FENKART, Director of the IIP


Three developments in the Middle East during the first months of the Biden Administration will have to be observed. First, if and how the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) will be implemented; second the impact of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United States and some Arab States on the security situation in the Middle East; and third the issue of the Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle East (NWFZME), which will be again on the Agenda of the Nonproliferation Review Conference this year. The event will discuss what the relations between these issues are and whether it will change the balance of power situation in the Middle East.

Previous discussions in the series “USA: Back to Multilateralism?” include:

20 January: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) enters into force 🎬

21 January: What Future of US-EU cooperation? Reflections on the Inauguration of the 46th president of the US 🎬

15 February: Extension of New START and Implications: A start in rebuilding arms control architecture?

Picture: Iran Talks

The discussion will be held in English.


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