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USA and the World: The Future of Arms Control and Multilateralism

The International Institute for Peace (IIP) in Cooperation with the Scientific Commission of the Austrian Ministry of Defense cordially invite you to an online discussion on the topic:

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USA and the World:

The Future of Arms Control and Multilateralism


Date:                                 Thursday, 1 October 2020 

Time:                                 6:00 PM (CEST) 

Venue:                               Zoom link will be sent to registered participants

Registration:                   See below


  • MALLORY STEWART, Stimson Center

  • GLENN DIESEN, University of South-Eastern Norway

  • HEINZ GÄRTNER, University of Vienna, International Institute for Peace - IIP


  • ANGELA KANE, former United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, International Institute for Peace - IIP


The United States’ role in the world has undergone some profound changes lately. Its status of an international leader, the great power in a unipolar world and a global agenda-setter has been increasingly questioned and challenged both domestically and internationally. One can speak of an ongoing global structure shift where transformations within and around the United States warrant close attention and careful analysis. The IIP has launched a series of discussions titled USA and the World that aim to shed some light on such pressing issues as the status of arms control negotiations, the transatlantic relations, and the upcoming presidential elections in the United States.

In today’s polarized world we witness a decline of multilateralism and arms control. This implies that the world moves towards a multipolar world with an uncontrolled arms race and nuclear deterrence. The abandonment of the INF-Treaty might lead to new deployments of medium range missiles in Asia and Europe. The New START-Treaty is not likely to be extended after 2021 by the US-administration with reference to China’s nuclear weapons. Non-nuclear weapon states feel betrayed because the nuclear weapon states did not meet their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). They want to close this “legal gap” with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Other suggestions and agreements on arms-control and disarmament will be discussed, like the JCPOA, nuclear weapon free zones, non-first use or freeze of nuclear weapons and others.

Other planned discussions in the series USA and the World include:

15 October: The Future of Transatlantic Relations under a new US administration

5 November: Die USA nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen [in German] (Arbeitstitel)

19 November: The World after US elections

The discussion will be held in English.


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