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Ukraine and the USA: What is at stake for Europe?

  • IIP 5 Möllwaldplatz Wien, Wien, 1040 Austria (map)

The International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Platform for Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Ukraine and the US Embassy Austria gladly announces the public talk with Mr. Nolan Peterson.

Welcome and moderation:

·       STEPHANIE FENKART, Director, International Institute for Peace (IIP)


·       NOLAN PETERSON, Kyiv-based correspondent Nolan Peterson has reported on the war in Ukraine since the summer of 2014 – often from the front lines. As a former U.S. Air Force Special Operations pilot, Peterson’s reporting has highlighted the unique nature of Europe's only ongoing war – its singular blend of trench and artillery warfare with modern “hybrid” elements such as cyberattacks, weaponized propaganda, and ad hoc battlefield technologies. He has also had a front-row seat to the country’s political and cultural evolution.


Ukraine is increasingly at the intersection of Russian, American, European – and now Chinese geopolitical interests. Nolan Peterson discusses why the U.S. needs to entrench its diplomatic foothold in Ukraine, or risk losing influence to its adversaries. He explains the latest developments in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, how it has impacted society, and how attitudes toward the West and integration into Europe have been affected.

In a public talk with Stephanie Fenkart, Nolan Peterson will discuss questions concerning the current situation in Eastern Ukraine and especially the role of Europe and the United States within this conflict. Peterson offers – due to his experience as foreign correspondent – a sober, informed perspective on the status of Ukraine’s fight against corruption, its capacity to defend itself from further Russian interference, and the overall cultural trends in the country that affect its viability as a European partner.

The Discussion will be held in English.

Afterwards the IIP offers drinks and snacks.



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