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Social Movements in Nicaragua

  • International Insititute for Peace 5 Möllwaldplatz Wien, Wien, 1040 Austria (map)

Date:                                      6th December

Time:                                     6:00 pm – 8:30pm

Venue:                International Institute for Peace




·      STEPHANIE FENKART, Director, International Institute for Peace (IIP)


·      MARLENE PRINZ, International Institute for Peace (IIP)

On the Panel:

·    ANGEL MEDRANO, member of the Party Ciudadanos por la Liberdad (CxL) and the movement of 19th April

·    LEO GABRIEL, Journalist and former foreign correspondent in Nicaragua

·     TERESA GRUBER, SOS-NicaraguaAustria

·    LAURIN BLECHA, Department of History, University of Vienna


In April this year, the government of President Daniel Ortega approved reforms on the social security, rising quotas on the employers and taxing the employees which sparked nationwide protests. Soon, these protests turned into demands for democracy, institutionalism and overall liberty and ultimately into the demand of the retirement of Daniel Ortega and his wife and Vice-President Rosario Murillo. The protests resulted in a violent conflict between paramilitaries and police forces and the protesters. Approximately 450 people have been killed and hundreds of protesters are held as political prisoners. A dialog between the conflict parties led by the Catholic Church failed twice.

Nicaragua is coping with a deep internal crisis for more than half a year now.  Just recently on October 26, people have been arrested during a peaceful anti-government protest formed by an alliance of more than 40 oppositional groups and activists called the Alliance for National Unity. The movement of the 19th of April has shown the dramatic situation in Nicaragua when it comes to the stability of its democracy. Not only now the country is struggling with this conflict but also the interferences in the past by the U.S. and other global actors have brought Nicaragua to its destabilized situation of nowadays.

What are the consequences of this conflict for Nicaragua and its citizens? How did the protest form itself and how can Europe help? What are the economic consequences for the country? Can this social movement provide a peaceful solution and how can any other violent escalation be prevented?

The Discussion will be held in English.

Afterwards the IIP offers drinks and snacks.




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